Maine dish · Photography

Eggs in sour cream

eggs on sour cream

This eggs are a reminder of my dad. I keep seeing him with a saucepan in hand and some eggs in the other hand. My mom was the one doing all the cooking in the house, even my dad was a great cook. He used to cook for us at holidays, when my mom was sick or anytime he wanted.

The last years I remember my dad cooking a lot. Every day. He, also, was in charge making polenta. He even had a small wooden utensil made by him he will use at polenta. I ask my dad when he was alive to give me that utensil. I still have it and I will tell my boy the story about that old piece of wood.

These eggs go great with polenta. I eat them in the morning to get my energy for the day.


  • 200 ml sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt


In a saucepan put the sour cream. Carefully break each egg into the sour cream, taking care to keep yolks intact. Add salt and bake until egg whites are set.

I eat them with a big chunk of fresh bread and is like time stops for a second. If you think is too much sour cream replace it with yogurt. Enjoy!

59 thoughts on “Eggs in sour cream

  1. Sour cream or a tomato sauce … you can bake eggs in lots of things and the results are amazing. Thank you for sharing your memories of your dad. Have you posted the picture of his polenta thing somewhere?

      1. I don’t have a photo of this utensil. But it looks like a silicone turner made from wood. My dad used a knife to give shape.
        I love your recipe. My husband will be happy if I cook something like that for him😃

      2. Thank you for the info on your polenta device.

        I thought I’d save you the effort of searching for a recipe for those eggs. By the way, I’ve done individual eggs poached in a ramekin with bit of heavy cream, fresh herbs. You can add a bit of prosciutto too for flavour. I love eggs. 🙂

  2. Thank you. I love both eggs and sour cream. I get nice eggs from a local farmer, this recipe will be perfect to use.

  3. Love eggs in all forms – will definitely try this with one of our French alternatives – creme fraiche, fromage blanc or plain old yogurt!

  4. First- I love your blog. So beautifully done.
    Second- I never thought of eggs and sour cream together. Sounds so….intriguing … what does it taste like?

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