Photography · Useful

Spicy Pickled Broccoli

spicy pickled broccoli

My first encounter with broccoli was around 25 years old and I wasn’t very happy about it. I am still not in love with this vegetable, but I tolerate it because is so good for us. Over the years I tried to cook it in many ways so I could start like it.

A few days ago I saw a recipe on the web and I liked the sound of it: Pickled broccoli.

So I gave it a try with more chili in it because I love spicy pickles.


  • ½ broccoli
  • 400 ml water
  • 100 ml apple vinegar
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 2 teaspoon chili peppers
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dry parsley
  • 4 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon fresh pepper


Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside. Cut the broccoli into uniform spears.  Rinse, dry, add them to a large bowl and set aside. Steam the broccoli just until is tender, about 4 minutes.

Drain the broccoli and immediately add it to the bowl of ice water. Leave it for about 5 minutes, drain again and set aside to dry.

In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk the vinegar with water, sea salt, peppers, chili peppers, cumin, garlic, parsley and bay leaves. Pour this mixture into a jar and add the broccoli.  Put the jar in the fridge. Let the broccoli marinate for about 1 hour, drain and serve. Or, you can leave it in the fridge for more than 1 week and serve it when you like it.


spicy pickled broccoli

64 thoughts on “Spicy Pickled Broccoli

  1. Thats easy…..Its my favorite veggie. Broccoli is gaining popularity steadily, hence expensive. Yet, i make it a point to buy it once a while and simply boil it along with French beans and carrot, before tossing it in olive oil and dashing a pinch of Black pepper and salt. My son just loves it. But i can eat it in any form. thanks for sharing.

  2. I really don’t like broccoli either…but kudos to you for avoiding it until 25 years old! I spent many nights stuck at the kitchen table as a kid refusing to finish my broccoli. This is a creative way to change the flavor! maybe I will give it a try. Thanks for the idea.

    1. I didn’t avoid it. I grew up under communism my first 12 years, in a small city, so we didn’t have any options for food. After 12 years everything was very expensive. When I got to college and university I wan’t so interested in eating healthy. It took me some years to embrace a healthy life with all that implies: food, sport, no stress, etc.

  3. Love broccoli, but not a huge fan of cauliflower. Recently tried pickled cauliflower and it was delicious – so I am sure this recipe would work with cauliflower as well. Both of these veggies like cooler climates and yesterday was the first day of fall here in the Northeastern US – so the local farm will have both of these veggies in abundance soon. Will try this recipe.

  4. Even though my mom was a good cook growing up most veggies were plain and boiled. Yuck. When I discovered Indian spices and Chinese stir fry broccoli was back on the menu! This recipe sounds like one I would love, thanks.

  5. This is cool idea. I’ve never tried canning or pickling but was planning to try something this fall. I’m seriously into fermented foods right now. Thanks for the post!

  6. This looks really yummy! I’m thinking of trying it out with cauliflower seen as though I have a craving for it at the moment;)

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