Appetizer · Photography

Lactarius deliciosus – simply divine

Lactarius deliciosus

They are definitely delicious, like the name. They are one of my favorite wild mushrooms. Is an autumn species best sought in pine forests, where it sometimes occurs in large groups, especially where is very humid. They need lots of rain.

Lactarius deliciosus

They have a bright orange color and when you cut them have an orange liquid. I love their smell. They are commonly known as the saffron milk cap and red pine mushroom.

I am not an expert in mushrooms. I know just a few of them and everything I tell you is about the one I know. When I go in the forest and teach my son about wild mushrooms I only take home the ones I am 100% sure. My son eats only a bit to get use to the taste and texture.

I love them marinated or with salt on a cooking wood stove.

Lactarius deliciosus

To marinate them, you need a lots of mushrooms, but if you have just a few (I had 4 and another 4 mushrooms) you can cook them with salt. It is so simple and they taste amazing.

Lactarius deliciosus

Clean and cut the mushrooms. Make a fire in the wood stove and wait to have a good temperature. On top of the woodstove put a layer of salt. On top of it spread the mushrooms. Wait till they are done and then turn them over.  You will notice this amazing smell when you cook them.

Eat them with garlic sauce.  Enjoy!

Lactarius deliciosus

46 thoughts on “Lactarius deliciosus – simply divine

  1. I didn’t eat many mushrooms growing up so I’m impressed that your son is getting exposed so young. I think canned button/white mushrooms were my first introduction to them as a pizza topping. From there, it’s been a slow development. I think king oyster and enoki mushrooms are as exotic as I’ve gotten. 🙂

  2. They look lovely, your photography is a great appetite stimulant! Growing in lots of rain, would I find them in the Pacific Northwest peraps?

  3. Okay, I don’t like mushrooms so I was sure this post wasn’t for me. But you make the process and final product look and sound so tasty and simple! Maybe I should give mushrooms a go again…

  4. I have enjoyed reading about the food items you post. I also found your food photography tip on lighting very useful. I’ve been meaning to write a thank you since I came across it a few weeks ago, but I’ve been really wrapped up in migrating my site, so very belatedly, thank you : )

  5. Wow! They sound marvelous. They look wonderful. I am not familiar with wild mushrooms . . . on menus they claim “wild mushroom this” and “wild mushroom that” but these are actual WILD mushrooms! 🙂

  6. They are very tasty. Some people are passionate about mushrooms. I do like them but I can live without them. This said they are very evocative vegetables with a sort of mysteious mysticism attached to them. In the UK very few people would know or eat them up to some thirty years ago. That was till a guy called Antonio Carluccio started to popularize them in television cookery shows and books. Funny enough he was never a cook nor knew a single thing about mushrooms but he became famous and very wealthy because he was in the right place at the right moment. Was it mushrooms magic that shot him to fame? I wonder 🙂

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