Desserts · Photography

Wild strawberries with sour cream

wild strawberries and sour cream

If you visit Romania, you need to come to Bucovina. Is situated in the northern part of the region of Moldova, bordering with Ukraine. We have amazing landscape, great food and hospitable people. One of the traditional food in Bucovina is Wild strawberries with sour cream.

Some of the people consider this food a dessert, but it is a fully meal. You can it with polenta or just as it is. If the berries are sweet you can cut the sugar.

I grew up with this food. We had strawberries in the summer only at the market. They were very rare.

We used to go on the hills around my city (Gura Humorului) and find fresh wild strawberries. You need to smell the fresh wild strawberries. We always had to eat straight from there and after that bring some home. I am teaching my son the same thing. Go and find berries and mushrooms. It is a beautiful way to spend time with family and learn to eat healthy.


300 g wild strawberries

300 g fresh sour cream

100 g powder sugar (optional)


Crushed the berries with a fork. Add sugar and sour cream and mix them. Enjoy!

wild strawberries with sour cream

83 thoughts on “Wild strawberries with sour cream

  1. Your photos are just beautiful! I am visiting Romania either this year or the next. Bucharest and Brasov are on my list! I cannot wait!:)

  2. I enjoyed your post. It is fascinating to learn about Rumanian gastronomy. The idea of eating the strawberries and sour cream with polenta is pure genius. We eat polenta with sour cream in Brazil, but adding fruit to it is a delightful thought.

  3. i am currently in Romania photographing the wonderful meadow flowers. I come home hungry and the Romanian food is wonderful. Healthy, simple and mostly home grown. I will try your recipe as it’s sounds like Summer blis.

  4. Wow, this looks delicious, the perfect thing to make with all the lovely berries at our local farmer’s market right now! Is it just regular sour cream, like the kind you put on burritos and such?

    I’m going to make this vegan-ized, with a super-tasty (dairy-free) sour cream Tofutti makes. Thank goodness for an abundance of quality vegan products these days, as I’ve been lactose-intolerant my whole life, and my favorite desserts are all traditionally heavily dairy-laden! 😛

  5. Lovely pictures/recipe. I remember my parents mentioning Bucovina when I was a kid (we may have had relatives in the area) but I’ve never been back to the place in Yugoslavia (now it’s Serbia) where I was born nor Romania. Wish I could one day. 🙂

  6. I love this. I used to spend my childhood summers in Poland and my grandma would make me “koktajl porzeczkowy” – exactly that. What a delicious memory!

  7. Your idea of putting fruit with polenta is really interesting. I love polenta so will try it. Also, strawberries are my favourite fruit so I’m admiring your photographs and enjoying growing our own – the first six turned red yesterday and tasted delicious!

  8. I dont know how you do it but your recipes are always absolutely amazing with such a beautiful photos. For me one of the most inspirational food blog I have ever seen.

  9. These strawberries are my holy grail; I have not found them yet! Here in the US they are called woodland strawberries or Alpine strawberries. So jealous. 🙂 Enjoy them!

  10. This brings back such memories! I wish I had a handful of zemlyanica (wild strawberries) right now, with real farmer sour cream, the one so thick you can cut it with a knife… Your photography is fantastic; one can almost hear the music and see the dances that are so beautiful!

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