Desserts · Photography

Oven baked french toast with maple syrup

oven baked french toast

French toast, also known as eggy bread, German toast, gypsy toast, or Spanish toast, is a dish made of bread soaked in beaten eggs and then fried. My mom used to call it „friganele”, before I discovered it’s called french toast. Because I am trying to eat less fried meals, I decided to do a light version of french toast, an oven one.



  • 6 slices of day-old bread
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup


Prepare your forms. In a larger bowl break up the bread into small pieces.  In another bowl mix together eggs, ginger nutmeg, cinnamon, maple syrup  and milk. Once that is mixed ll together pour over the bread.  Give a quick gentle stir to coat all of the bread. Let sit for about 5 minutes so the bread can soak up the egg mixture. Scoop the mixture into the forms liner evenly. Bake for 3o minutes at 300 degree Celsius. After they come out of the oven let cool for 5 minutes then dive in & enjoy!

Day-old bread will suck more milk. The cooked slices can be covered with sweet toppings such as jam, honey, fruit or maple syrup. It will go great with a hot chocolate in the Christmas morning, unpacking the presents.


106 thoughts on “Oven baked french toast with maple syrup

  1. I’m just seeing this post now and I’m drooling as I’m reading it. French toast is a favourite in our home. A treat of ours is to use croissants for the bread. Yum! But this, this is something I must try. It looks heavenly! Thanks for this new twist on French toast.

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