Drinks · Photography

Detox after vacation



I love a great vacation. Almost 2 weeks skiing in Austria at a 4 starts hotel is an amazing one. 245 cm of snow is more that I dreamed.

Our hotel  Thermal Badhotel Kirchler is situated near Hintertux Glacier where you can ski all year long. Has a pool, sauna, excellent service and amazing good food. But, too much food. Even with all the skiing and snowboarding, at the end they serve you too much food. And you eat, because is good and you can’t stop.

So, coming back home, it is time to detox. My detox juice is simple and very healthy, and you can make it in the morning.


– fresh parsley

– 1 lemon

– 1/2 cucumber

– 500 ml water


Put everything in the blender and mix it. Drink it in the morning or during the day. Do this detox for 2 weeks and then you can keep doing it once or twice a week. Lots of Vitamin C which will help you. I know that it helps me. Enjoy!


64 thoughts on “Detox after vacation

  1. Looks delicious and light! I think I might try a little fresh mint too, to give it that little bit of sparkle. Thank you for the like by the way, and keep posting about these delicious things!


  2. I need a detox and a vacation! I recently bought a juicer and would love to know other juicer/blender recipies – especially using herbs! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great idea! I’m definitely not 100% after my holiday, I must get these ingredients next shop 🙂 thank you for sharing!

  4. I always hated parsely until I got Lyme. I always thought herbal remedies were hokus pokus. parsely is one of the things that Lymies are told to use to help them detox. I tried other things first because I didn’t like the taste of it. Lyme sufferers have a hard time detoxing. When I finally gave into making tea with parsley I was very surprised at have well and how fast it worked. I mean within a few hours of drinking it I started to feel much better. I have to say it is amazin stuff. Oh and I do like the taste of it now. I guess it is an aquired taste.

  5. I have to try that. I make your one half of a teaspoon of olive oil since is good for skin and cleanses the liver.
    BTW I originally stopped by to say thank you for reading my haiku.

  6. Reblogged this on …noloveleft… and commented:
    This is something I really want to try! It sounds much better than plain cucumber water, which is supposed to be really healthy. Maybe I can drink this everyday. It looks kind of like a smoothie.

    Do you put the whole lemon in with the peel though?