Maine dish · Photography

Baked macaroni and salty cheese with zucchini



500 g macaroni

1 kg sheep cheese

1 zucchini

3 eggs

1 glass milk

4 tablespoons butter

50 g blue cheese


Preheat the oven to 120 Celsius degrees.

Boil the pasta until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cool water to stop the cooking, and return to the pan you boiled it in. Set aside. (Mix in a little butter to keep the noodles from sticking if it’s going to be awhile before you make the sauce). You can boil zucchini with the pasta. When is done, put them in bowl aside.

Mix cheese, eggs, butter and milk in a bowl. In a tray covered in butter put macaroni. Add a zucchini layer and the cheese mix on top of it. Decorate with zucchini and add the blue cheese on top.

Baked it for 30-40 minutes. You can serve it hot or cold with tomato sauce. Enjoy!


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